Monday, January 30, 2012

What produces the retrograde motion of Mars?

What produces the retrograde motion of mars? is it that Earth is faster than Mars?What produces the retrograde motion of Mars?The retrograde motion of any planet superior to Earth, that is, anything farther from the sun than Earth in our solar system, appears to retrograde due to the Earth "catching up" to the planet. This happens when the Earth approaches, is at, and passes the periapsis (closes distance) with another planet.What produces the retrograde motion of Mars?
The Lazy Astronomer and Dr. Know-It-All both gave excellent answers but gathered nothing but thumb downs. Looks like a JUVENILE PACK OF SLEAZY TROLLS have suddenly infested the Astronomy section.

Here's another correct answer for the kiddies to dump on --

The *apparent* retrograde motion of Mars and other planets is caused by its being lapped by another planet, or vice-versa. Both planets move in a direct (eastward) motion around the Sun, but the planet with the inside orbit, like Earth, moves faster than the planet on the outside orbit, like Mars, and when it passes the slower-moving planet, each sees the other one as apparently moving backwards relative to its usual motion around the sky. In this "retrograde" motion, neither planet is actually moving backwards; it only appears that way, during the time that one laps the other.What produces the retrograde motion of Mars?1. order of planets (from sun) mercury venus earth mars jupiter etc.

2. earth is closer than mars ----%26gt; has a smaller orbit distance

3. faster orbit

4. laps mars -----%26gt; mars APPEARS to move backwards across the sky

hope this helps (:What produces the retrograde motion of Mars?
Yes, the difference in orbital speed between earth and the other planets produces retograde motion - as well as the relative position on their respective orbits.What produces the retrograde motion of Mars?They both orbit the sun..and orbit at different speeds.

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